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20 years of company history


We have many reasons to celebrate this year: our 20th company anniversary, which also reminds us of the beginnings of the Internet. The successful go-live of our new product "Event Manager for Educational Institutions" at Geisenheim University right in January. And the outlook on all our exciting projects.

Many thanks to all our customers
and especially to those who have remained loyal to us since our founding year. Thank you for 20 years of exciting projects and great cooperation!


Brain Appeal becomes "Education Service Provider" for universities as well as research and educational institutions. With the platform "StudyUP!" we provide a stable and innovative foundation for the development and integration of web-based modules, for example for the mathematics test "MathX3", the applicant exchange or the "event manager for educational institutions", ...to name just a few possible extensions.
And for this we are awarded: "StudyUP!" receives the Best of Award of the Initiative Mittelstand in the category Human Resources.


We are committed to the further education of refugees and support a student at the Hochschule der Wirtschaft für Management (HdWM) by funding a Deutschlandstipendium.


Awarded! The applicant exchange is "Best Of Project 2015 in the area of Human Resources" of the Initiative Mittelstand. Brain Appeal developed the applicant exchange to help prospective students and companies find each other. The platform can be used in many ways. The main function is the "matching" of supply and demand in the context of dual studies.


With the introduction of the new time recording system in accordance with TVöD, we enable employees of Ludwigshafen am Rhein University of Applied Sciences to manage their working hours from their PC, smartphone/tablet or home office. In addition, terminals in the entrance area can be operated for this purpose with the employee ID card. The software takes into account the collective wage agreement for the public sector (TVöD) as well as the specific regulations of the university.


The individual company METEOS Deutschland becomes today's Brain Appeal GmbH. This is also associated with our second move to larger offices in Mannheim Seckenheim. And also the team grows and grows...


The technical support of the Internet presence and intranet solutions (store system, Web2Print) for Sumitomo (SHI) Demag Plastics Machinery GmbH starts with a Relauch. Many thanks for the cooperation and the exciting projects until today.


We are a training partner of the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University. "The training and specialized qualification of young professionals in the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region is of great concern to us. The competencies should remain in the region!" says Jörg Oswald, Managing Director of Brain Appeal GmbH.


The company headquarters is moved to Mannheim and we become a member of the TYPO3-Association.


Excellent! With the 2. Prize of the doIT Software Award for our solution "Creating forgery-proof print documents". We continue to focus on the specialization of Internet applications and digitization of processes.

Picture from left to right: Jörg Oswald, Willi Stächele (Minister of the Ministry of State and European Affairs of the State of Baden-Württemberg), Marko Gräßlin


We start our cooperation with the Mannheim University of Applied Sciences and are immediately faced with an exciting technical challenge: "Development of an Internet application for checking the authenticity of forgery-protected certificates". The result is a desktop application that sends the captured image of a standard webcam to a database on the Internet and receives reliable information about the authenticity of the certificate.


We develop our own XML/XSLT based content management system "Packpox" and partly these programs are still successfully and stably in use today. One of the highlights of Packpox is the generation of static HTML pages, which lead to an extremely low response time.

And from time to time we give lectures about "the internet is coming" ... but one or the other listener didn't want to find a true belief in it at that time ;-)


Predominant and numerous: Domain orders determine our daily business. We have to set up our office quickly ;-)


The founding year! In the first business year, we already have 22 customers. Some of our customers from back then have remained with us to this day - we are particularly pleased about that. Our first customer is AZ International. This customer recognized the Internet and its impact at a very early stage and we implemented the entire web presence. The business model runs around domains, homepages and hosting.

"We are one of the pioneers of the Internet. We were active even before terms like domains, WWW and online stores were part of general knowledge," summarizes Jörg Oswald, managing director of Brain Appeal GmbH today. "Just Internet from the very beginning - for and with our customers."