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Privacy policy


This privacy statement informs users about the nature, scope and purposes of the collection and use of personal data by the following provider:

Brain Appeal GmbH
Wildbader Straße 9
68239 Mannheim

Represented by
Jörg Oswald, Managing Director

Phone: +49 621 637453-0
Fax: +49 621 637453-90
E-mail: info@remove-this.brain-appeal.com

The privacy statement is made in accordance with Article 13 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR).

Data Protection Officer

Brain Appeal GmbH is not obliged to appoint a data protection officer.

Rights of visitors to this website

As a visitor to this website, you have the right to obtain information from Brain Appeal GmbH, as the data controller, about the personal data that we use about you.

You have a right to rectification or erasure or to restriction of processing of your personal data. You also have the right to object to the processing.
You have the right to data portability. This means that, upon request, we will provide you with a copy of the personal data that we have stored about you, provided that there is no other legal provision to the contrary.

You have the right to revoke a declaration of consent given to us at any time.

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority. The competent supervisory authority for Brain Appeal GmbH is:

The State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information
House address: Lautenschlagerstraße 20, 70173 Stuttgart
Postal address: Postfach 10 29 32, 70025 Stuttgart
Tel.: 0711/615541-0, FAX: 0711/615541-15

Personal data

Personal data is information that can be used to identify a person, i.e. information that can be traced back to a person. This includes the name, email address or telephone number. But also data about preferences, hobbies, memberships or which websites were viewed by someone count as personal data.

Personal data is only collected, used and passed on by the provider if this is legally permitted or the users consent to the data collection.

The following sections explain for what purpose which types and categories of personal data are collected and processed by this website. In addition, the legal basis and the duration of storage are indicated. If the data is transferred to other entities, third countries or international organizations, this is also indicated.

Access data/ Server log files

The provider (or its web space provider Webhostone, www.webhostone.de) collects data about each access to these web pages (so-called server log files). The access data includes:

  • IP address / host name of the accessing computer
  • Date and time (time zone) of the server request
  • Accessed page or file
  • HTTP status code
  • Referrer URL

Purpose of processing
The provider uses the log data only for statistical analysis for the purpose of operation, security and optimization of the offer. However, the provider reserves the right to subsequently review the log data if there is a justified suspicion of unlawful use based on concrete indications.

Legal basis
The legal basis for the collection of access data and log files is Article 6 para.1 f)  EU General Data Protection Regulation (to protect the legitimate interests of the responsible party).

Transfer of data
The data will not be transferred - not even to third countries or international organizations.

Duration of data storage
The data will be deleted after 10 days.

Profiling/ automated individual decision-making
No profiling or automated individual decision-making is carried out.

Use of data for other purposes
The data will not be used for other purposes.

Contact us by e-mail or by contact form

When contacting the provider by e-mail or contact form, the user's details are stored for the purpose of processing the request and in the event that follow-up questions arise.

We would like to point out that communication by e-mail is not encrypted, i.e. it is not confidential. If you wish to send us confidential information, please contact us by telephone so that we can arrange a secure means of communication.

If you use the contact form, the transmission of your data is encrypted, as the entire website only allows encrypted access. However, your request will be forwarded to us unencrypted via e-mail. Therefore, if you wish to transmit confidential information, please contact us by telephone so that we can arrange a secure means of communication.

Type and categories of personal data

The personal data processed are those communicated in the e-mail or contact form , for example, name, contact details and the content of the message.

Purpose of processing
Thepurposeof processing is to respond to requests.

Legal basis
The legal basis for responding to inquiries is Article 6 para.1 b) EU-DSGVO (performance of a contract or for the implementation of  pre-contractual measures).

Transfer of data
The data will not be transferred - not even to third countries or international organizations.

Duration of data storage
The data will be deleted as soon as the request has been conclusively processed and no other legal provision requires storage. Other legal regulations are, for example, the retention regulations according to § 257 HGB in connection with § 147 AO. Accounting-relevant data must be retained for 10 years, other tax-relevant data for six years.

Profiling/ automated individual decision-making
No profiling or automated individual decision-making is carried out.

Use of data for other purposes
The data will not be used for other purposes.


When users access the offer, one or more cookies are stored on his computer. A cookie is a small file that contains a certain string of characters and uniquely identifies your browser. With the help of cookies, the provider improves the comfort and quality of its service, for example by saving user settings. Cookies do not cause any damage to the user's computer and do not contain viruses.

It is also possible to use the service without cookies. Users can deactivate the storage of cookies in their browser, limit them to certain websites or set their browser to notify them before a cookie is stored. You can delete cookies from your computer's hard drive at any time using the privacy functions of your browser. In this case, the functions and user-friendliness of the offer could be limited.

Purpose of processing
The provider uses the cookies to optimize the offer.

Legal basis
The legal basis for the use of cookies is Article 6 para.1 f)  EU General Data Protection Regulation (for the protection of the legitimate interests of the responsible party).

Transfer of data
The data will not be transferred - not even to third countries or international organizations.

Duration of data storage
The cookies are automatically deleted after the following periods:

  • Matomo session cookie (_pk_ses): 30 minutes
  • Matomo tracking cookie (_pk_is): 13 months
  • Cookie acceptance (brain_cookie_optin_allow_tracking): 3 months

Profiling/ automated individual decision-making
No profiling or automated individual decision-making is carried out.

Use of data for other purposes
The cookies are not used for other purposes.


This website uses Matomo (https://matomo.org) to continuously optimize the offer. Pseudonymous user profiles are created from the collected data. Cookies are used for this purpose.

The data collected with Matomo is not used to personally identify visitors to this website and is not merged with personal data about the person concerned by the pseudonym. If you do not wish to participate in the tracking, you can object to this use by either deactivating the Piwik tracking cookie via your internet browser under user settings or by clicking here.

Purpose of processing
The provider uses Matomo with pseudonymous data in the form of usage statistics for the purposes of advertising, market research and to design the offer in line with requirements.

Legal basis
The legal basis for the use of Matomo is Article 6 para.1 f) EU General Data Protection Regulation (for the protection of the legitimate interests of the responsible party).

Transfer of data
The data will not be transferred - not even to third countries or international organizations.

Duration of data storage
The pseudonymous data collected as part of Matomo is deleted after three months.

Profiling/ automated individual decision-making
No profiling or automated individual decision-making is carried out.

Use of data for other purposes
The data collected using Matomo is not used for other purposes.

Appearances in the social media

Brain Appeal GmbH operates presences in various social media:

  • XING - www.xing.com/companies/brainappealgmbh
  • Facebook - en.facebook.com/pages/Brain-Appeal-GmbH/111687288901653
  • Instagram - www.instagram.com/brainappeal/
  • Twitter - twitter.com/BrainAppealCom
  • Google+  - plus.google.com/+Brain-appeal
  • LinkedIn - www.linkedin.com/company/brain-appeal-gmbh
  • Pinterest - www.pinterest.de/brainappeal/

These presences are used to inform and communicate with customers, prospects, suppliers and partners.

Type and categories of personal data
Those personal data are processed which are communicated in a message within the social media , for example names, contact details and the content of the message.

Purpose of processing
Thepurposeof processing is to respond to requests.

Legal basis
The legal basis for responding to inquiries is Article 6 para.1 b)  EU-DSGVO (performance of a contract or for carrying out  pre-contractual measures).

Transfer of data
Brain Appeal does not transfer the data generated in the course of replying to messages - not even to third countries or international organizations.
To obtain information on data transfer by the social media - providers themselves, please contact  the respective provider. Most of the providers listed above (except Xing) are located in third countries.

Duration of data storage
The data will be deleted as soon as the request has been conclusively processed and no other legal provision requires storage. Other legal provisions include, for example, the retention requirements pursuant to Section 257 of the German Commercial Code (HGB) in conjunction with Section 147 of the German Fiscal Code (AO). Accounting-relevant data must be retained for 10 years, other tax-relevant data for six years.

Profiling/ automated individual decision-making
No profiling or automated individual decision-making is carried out.

Use of data for other purposes
The data is not used for other purposes.

As an interested party, customer, supplier or provider

please note the information on data protection for interested parties, customers, suppliers and providers.